感恩節的習俗The custom of the Thanksgiving
每逢感恩節這一天,美國舉國上下熱鬧非常。Every Thanksgiving Day, the United States up and down the country is very busy.城鄉市鎮到處舉行化裝游行、戲劇表演和體育比賽等,學校和商店也都按規定放假體息。Urban and rural town held up everywhere parades, drama and sports competition, etc, schools and shops in the body by the regulation's interest.孩子們還模仿當年印第安人的模樣穿上離奇古怪的服裝,畫上臉譜或戴上面具到街上唱歌、吹喇叭。The children also imitate that year the appearance of indians on strange clothing, draw on facebook or put on a mask to the street singing, the trumpet.當天教堂里的人也格外多,按習俗人們在這里都要做感恩祈禱。The church is a special people, according to the custom people here have to do gratitude to pray.美國入從小就習慣獨立生活,勞燕分飛。The United States into an independent life habit since childhood, LaoYanFenFei.各奔東西。Each rush thing.而在感恩節。But at Thanksgiving.他們總是力爭從天南海北歸來,一家人團團圍坐在一起,大嚼美味火雞,暢談往事,這怎不使人感到分外親切、溫暖。They always strive to return from far apart, the family round and round round together, munch delicious Turkey, to talk about the past, this how don't make the person feel particularly kind, warm.
同時,好客的美國人也忘不掉這一天邀請好友、單身漢或遠離家鄉的入共度佳節。At the same time, the hospitality of americans also not forget this day invite friends, bachelor or far from home into for the holidays.從18世紀起,美國就開始出現一種給貧窮人家送一籃子食物的風俗。From 18 th century on, the United States began to appear a poor families to send a basket of food customs.當時有一群年輕婦女想在一年中選一天專門做善事,認為選定感恩節是最恰當不過的。There was a group of young women in a year to select one day special do good, think selected Thanksgiving is the most appropriate but.所以感恩節一到,她們就裝上滿清一籃食物親自送到窮人家。So a Thanksgiving to them, they will mount a basket of food qing personally delivered to the poor.這件事遠近傳聞,不久就有許多人學著她們的樣子做起來。This matter that far, and will soon have many people learn of their appearance it.
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