更新:2017-06-27 11:38
CC速成班其實就是一個Crash Course碰撞課程視頻學習的軟件,課程主要分為世界歷史和生物兩大類,用戶通過10分鐘的視頻可以快速的了解理清這些內容,非常值得一看的學習視頻。
Crash Course中譯,有字幕的視頻。都放在一起方便找。建議下載 B 站的 App,然后點擊的時候選擇 B 站作為打開方式,會方便很多。
Crash Course是Hank Green和John Green兩兄弟在youtube上制作的一系列課程。課程分為世界歷史和生物兩部分,其中世界歷史部分由John Green和他的高中老師一同編寫。他們試圖用大量的動畫和看似無關又看似有關的無厘頭聯系,在10分鐘內向大家展示世界歷史的每一個部分。
Crash Course碰撞課程是Hank Green和John Green兩兄弟在youtube上制作的一系列課程,包括歷史、文學、生物、心理學、化學等,用大量的動畫和惡搞的語言為你科普各種好玩的小知識。Youtube上最受歡迎的無厘頭科普課程完整上線,聽聽老外怎么翻轉課堂。
(關于臺詞的備注: 請注意這不是廣播節目的逐字稿件。本文稿可能沒有體現錄制、編輯過程中對節目做出的改變。)
Helen:大家好,歡迎收聽《地道英語》,我是Helen,和我在一起的還有我的同事 Neil。
Neil:Hello, Helen. I saw you looking at a travel magazine earlier, you thinking about a holiday?
Neil:Really, you’ve already booked your adventure to the jungle?
Helen:是啊,正好我也有假期,不用就浪費了。Have you been there?
Neil:No, not to the rainforest, but I have visited Brazil with my friends. It’s a beautiful country. Can you speak Portuguese?
Helen:No, not at all, I was hoping English is enough.
Neil:Erm, if you are visiting the big cities, you can get by with English. But if you're going out of the cities, it’s good to know a bit of Portuguese.
Neil:Don’t worry, you can go on a crash course.
Helen:What course?
Neil:A language crash course! When you’re on a crash course, you learn about something in a very short period of time.
Helen:你說讓我去上速成班 crash course?能行嗎?我可沒太大信心能在很短的時間內學會一門外語。
Neil:I think you’d master the basics without any trouble. Here are a few more examples of crash courses.
Peter applied to train as a teacher, but he had to complete a compulsory crash course in maths first.
Alison did a crash course in French before her trip to Paris.
I booked Nathan on a video editing crash course, so we’ve got at least one person who can operate the camera.
Julie took a crash course in cooking to prepare for her wedding.
Helen:Can you recommend a Portuguese crash course for me?
Neil:Just have a look online, there are loads of them and some of them are free.
Helen:Perfect! Thanks Neil!