Syntax for GIFEXE is as follows:
GIFEXE [?] infilename[.GIF] [outfilename[.EXE]]
After making an .EXE file, (see below) the /mode parameter
may be used as follows:
/mode=0 Ordinary 320x200 mode
/mode=1 Low resolution SVGA
640x400 or 640x350
depending on your card.
/mode=2 Medium resolution 640x480
/mode=3 High resolution 800x600
{ /mode=4 Higher resolution 1024x768
Coming soon? } )
For example, try:
C> GIFEXE to see the title screen
C> GIFEXE ? to see the help/brag screen
C> GIFEXE house to make the .EXE HOUSE.EXE
from the file HOUSE.GIF
C> GIFEXE house house2 make the .EXE file HOUSE2.EXE,
from the GIF(tm) HOUSE.GIF
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